African American woman smiling in a black halter dress holding a glass of wine

Greetings Chewer’s,

Get it? Those who Chew with Chu. Lame? Yes. Am I going to use it again? Chances are high.

My name is Ashley Chukwu a foodie, self-proclaimed movie critic, total wine lover, and traveler. On a serious note, I am a full-time healthcare professional and recent Master of Public Health graduate. If that doesn’t seem like I am already busy enough, I got the crazy idea to start a recipe blog!  As the second oldest out of four children, I was often volun-told to help in the kitchen. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, Sunday dinners, and every day in between, I was hovering over the mixing bowl learning all the family cooking secrets. As I got older, cooking became my therapy, and cooking for others became my go-to way to show others I cared.

I started Chewing with Chu because cooking brings me joy and I wanted to share that joy with others.  I had so many amazing recipes and no one to share them with! Yes, there’s the occasional dinner party or potluck that gave me a chance to showcase my favorite foods, but other than that, NADA. I enjoy cooking (like truly, I find it relaxing) and I loved the thought of having new cooks learn from me or even advanced cooks trying new things. The selected recipes are either my own creation or adapted and then tweaked from cookbooks, recipe apps, friends and family, and other cooking blogs. It is my hope that somewhere in my collection you will be able to find a new spin on a classic dish or new meal that lured you in with the wacky dish titles.

My advice to cookers far and wide: take chances, try something new, and if for some reason it’s a total flop…. don’t tell anyone and try again. I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave your own personal alterations or serving experiences below each recipe in the comments section. I’d love to hear them!

Ashley is based in Atlanta, Georgia. In her spare time, she enjoys visiting wineries, traveling, and spending time with her fur baby Miko.